
Updated IOQ-0001 Worksheet

IOQ-0001 Worksheet has been updated to include use of lot 2003 QC beads (see redline document for screenshots of changes). **Note that no changes where made to the "Protocol" Word document.

  • Added the ability to select between 2002 and 2003 bead lots in Specifications tab (this automatically changes the %rCV specs on the tab.
  • Added specification for each lot to the hidden configuration tab (Config (DO NOT EDIT)).
  • Updated the title in the Gain Linearity tab to say "2000 Series" instead of "Lot 2002" so either 2002 or 2003 QC beads can be used.
  • Updated the instructions on the Data tab for the Gain Linearity test to include the use of 2000 series QC beads and to update the gains setting. The gain settings were updated to match what is used in the Final Test Procedure (N9-40100).
  • Changes to the worksheet were tested using data from old Final Tests and Qual Forms. Worksheet performed as expected.

Download the updated worksheet and the protocol below: